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Alan Garner

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Alan Garner
# Title Description Contributor
1 Alan Garner

This short lecture offers an overview of the fantasy writer Alan Garner's early fiction, from...

Felix Taylor
2 Interview: Catherine Butler

An interview with Dr Catherine Butler (Cardiff University) by Will Brockbank (Oxford). Dr Butler...

Catherine Butler, Will Brockbank
3 Oxford Literary Festival 2010 Pieces of Places Discussion The Weirdstone of Brisingamen

Alan Garner, Mark Edmonds, and Robert Powell take part in a discussion on the subject of pieces...

Alan Garner, Mark Edmonds, Robert Powell
4 Oxford Literary Festival 2010 Pieces of Places - Reading of Alan Garner's Work

The 50th anniversary of the publication of Alan Garner's first novel, The Weirdstone of...

Robert Powell, Alan Garner
5 Oxford Literary Festival 2010 By Seven Firs and Goldenstone - An account of the Legend of Alderley

Alan Garner gives an illustrated lecture on the Legend of Alderley. This version of the myth of...

Alan Garner